Biden signs Inflation Reduction Act: Its climate promise relies heavily on carbon capture, meaning thousands of miles of pipeline

President Joe Biden signed a sweeping climate, energy and health care bill on Aug. 16, 2022, that contains about US$370 billion to foster clean energy development and combat climate change, constituting the largest federal climate investment in history. Several studies project that its climate and energy provisions could enable the United States to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by […]

How Creating Recyclable Products Support Effective Waste Management

Companies need to develop products that are recyclable to support effective waste management. Recycling helps to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfills, and it also helps to conserve resources. While some products can be recycled easily, others require more effort. Companies that make products that are difficult or impossible to recycle […]

Discussing the Waste Management Expectations of the Future

The world is ever-changing, and with that change comes new challenges for waste management. As our population grows and becomes more industrialized, the amount of waste we produce increases at an alarming rate. With this in mind, it’s important to think about the expectations we have for waste management in the future. What can we […]

7 Reasons We Need an Effective Waste Management Policy

Waste Manage is all about collecting, transporting, processing and disposing of waste materials. It includes the activities of recycling certain items back into the manufacturing process. There are many reasons why effective waste management policies are necessary. 1. To protect the environment Proper waste management is essential to protect our natural resources and ecosystems. Improper […]

7 Tips to Do Effective Solid Waste Management

Solid waste management is a process that involves the collection, transportation, and disposal of waste materials. It is important to manage solid waste properly to avoid environmental pollution and health hazards. There are various ways to do effective solid waste management. Some of the tips include: 1) Collection: Collecting waste materials is the first step […]

What is Total Waste Management

Waste management is the process of handling, storing, and disposing of waste materials. It includes both the collection and disposal of waste. Waste management is a critical function in any society. Proper waste management is essential to public health and safety, as well as the environment. Waste Management and Circular Economy In recent years, there […]